Even the best run AP departments have transactions that are processed in error. When recovered, these funds go directly to the company’s bottom line.

NoeticOne specializes in FOUR primary auditing and recovery services:


A well-designed and executed supplier contract compliance review will ensure that you have been billed appropriately and received all entitlements in the contracts so diligently negotiated by your procurement department.  This review will also identify opportunities for improved relationships with your procurement and service providers: suppliers, distributors, contract manufacturers, outsourced labor, etc.

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We will conduct a rigorous review of your disbursements, uncovering funds that may be due back to your enterprise because of duplicate payments, overpayments, open credits, or other deductions.  These funds can be obscured and difficult to find through the normal course of business.  Our approach is designed to be unobtrusive.  Once we receive the necessary data and access, we are off and running providing status updates and reporting according to your schedule.

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Supplier master files age rapidly.  It is inevitable.  According to some estimates, various changes can affect 30%-40% of the available data in your supplier database annually.  Updating, organizing, and enhancing your supplier database on an ongoing basis will enable you to get the most out of your business systems.  Using a clean and accurate supplier master database, enables greater system efficiency and optimizes your purchase processes to ensure substantial cost-savings.  We are also able to assist with those enterprises that have supplier diversity requirements by providing SIC/NAIC analytics, validation of vendor taxonomies, and accurate spend classifications, particularly within the government sector.

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The thoroughness of our reviews often uncover opportunities for us to introduce our clients to additional experts with specific skills and expertise in areas such as Sales and Use Tax compliance and audit support, Payment Processing, and targeted expense categories such as Utilities, Waste & Recycling, Telecom, Shipping & Logistics, and Document Management.  Our alliance partner firms are acknowledged experts in their fields and engage clients with the same standard of professionalism as NoeticOne.

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We recover lost profits with our People, Process, and Production